Features and Memes


FF Posts

Description: FF Thinks are really just lists and things that are, well, just for fun! It can be me talking about my favorite covers, books, most anticipated, anything like that! When I first started blogging I wrote them when I had nothing to review or if I hadn’t finished a book in time, but now they’re a a bit more frequent! They’re also sometimes discussion posts–really just whatever crosses my mind!
Frequency: Every other week


mini freak out

Mini Freak Out Posts

Description: In which I record my reactions by page and sometimes add a 1/2 paragraph review at the end of my freaking out. VERY FUN TO DO. You get to see me freak out, I get to, well, freak out.
Frequency: Random, but never more than once a month.

read all about it

Description: In which I show off and brag and freak out about the books I got that month, a wrap up of my favorite posts and reads of that month, what I plan to read in the next month, and just talk about the general going-ons of my life! There will probably be many CAPS and “!!!” abound and probably a lot of stressing out in which I rant and cry and blubber on this blog. Yep.
Frequency: On the last Sunday of every month! (Or first, depending on which one is closer to the 30/31)


life of blogger

Description: Learn about the booknerd behind the blog! In which I talk about myself and ramble on and on about that week’s topic! Super fun and most likely filled with weird me things. Yep.
Frequency: Fridays. Infrequently (really just whenever I feel like a topic can apply to me)
Hosted: Jessi @ Novel Heartbeat



Waiting on Wednesdays Posts

Description: In which I spotlight an unreleased book I’m waiting on and basically squeal and scream about it and try to convince you to buy it. Yep.
Frequency: Every week on Wednesday
Hosted: Jill @ Breaking the Spine


GYDO Posts

Description: Also known as GYDO, Get Your Debut On is a yearly feature of mine in which I started in 2012 with only two weeks of authors. Now it’s been extended to about 30 authors, one a day. The majority of the posts are guest posts, though there will be a few interviews. And there are giveaways abound!
Frequency: Once every year, throughout the month of August.

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