Publisher: Scholastic

Average Rating: 3.59

Money Run by Jack Heath

Money Run by Jack Heath

This was definitely an interesting read for me, considering I’ve never really read suspense or real thrillers. Psychological thrillers, sure. But the closest thing I’ve gotten was either Burnin Blue or Gallagher Girls–and those two were nowhere near as complex as this. There were a lot of amusing things with this–plans within plans within plans. Hints disguised as casual conversation, and actions predicted half a year ago. Reading from Ash’s POV was fun and reading about all her ingenious plans was definitely eye […]

Posted 30 March, 2013 by Nikki Wang in 2013, Book Review, Series Start / 1 Comment
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Summer Prince by Alaya Dawn Johnson

Summer Prince by Alaya Dawn Johnson

Would it be completely horrible of me to say that this is one of the worst books I’ve ever read? Because it really felt like it. As much as I wanted to love it (I mean, this was one of the first 2013 debut did HEARD of that had such an amazing synopsis) I really couldn’t. I just…couldn’t. So I didn’t realize until I was 3 chapters in that everyone was homosexual. And, I do mean everyone. Our love interest, the guy best […]

Posted 14 March, 2013 by Nikki Wang in 2013, Book Review / 3 Comments
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The Dead and Buried by Kim Harrington

The Dead and Buried by Kim Harrington

Before I start, I just want to say that as a wuss, and a usual ghost-avoider, The Dead and Buried may fall a little flat for horror lovers! I, however, adored it! Something that many non-creepy readers will love is that while it was a bit spooky, it was completely “Oh my GOD that is freaky” kind of scary. So if you’re expecting to be scared out of your pants…change your expectations! The Dead and Buried is a typical ghost story, brought to […]

Posted 21 December, 2012 by Nikki Wang in 2013, ARC, Book Review / 3 Comments
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Stolen by Lucy Christopher

Stolen by Lucy Christopher

I have to admit that even though the blurb was very…catching (funny use of word don’t ya think?) it still took some time to convince myself to even start reading this book. Everyone who knows me knows I don’t read that much realistic fiction except on Wattpad (a.k.a. Best Site in the WORLD!) unless it sounded good and had gotten high praise. This was one of those books, and yet, I was still reluctant to read it. Finally, I picked it up and […]

Posted 10 December, 2011 by Nikki Wang in 2010, Book Review, Favorites, Ten Stars / 2 Comments
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